‘Observation' creates a reflection of the climatic condition of the Earth. It does it by an artefact, that functions as a sensor — medium creating a reflection of the climate. Artefact is filled with water — sensor substance that reacts to the weather of the environment. It produces new, present time flowing data.The uniqueness of the reflection is achieved by personal contemplation of its form, which is unsteady and variable. Mankind is not able to forecast the upcoming consequences of Its actions against the planet. It yet doesn’t have any fully established solutions for environmental issues.Humans only know how they caused them. By observing the climatic change, humanity obtains new knowledge for further research and development of theories for Its reversal.

/reflection of water surface
is a reflection of the weather

creates a reflection of climate

is a reflection of human activity

human activity,
creates the reflection

/reflection of water surface
is a reflection of the weather

creates a reflection of climate

is a reflection of human activity

human activity,
creates the reflection

