Site-specific techno rave, painting and fogged environment in the socialism era tram, referencing the pervasive uncertainty experienced by the first post-communist generation in the Eastern block regarding their future direction“To put it in Marxian, the Anthropocene is where I get to glimpse my species-being as power stands over against me, as when in a club strangely called Earth in 1989 I experienced a rain of human sweat that had accumulated on the ceiling after hours and hours of techno. Parts of everyone were falling, alien, damp, warm, back onto everyone, because of our own repetitive churning.” 

-Timothy Morton, Humankind

DIMM a.k.a Dominik Demčák, one of the leading figures of electronic music in Slovakia 

sound on

Curatorial text:
We've been riding along, in this country and society for quite some time now. Some of us for decades, others joined later, entered into the microclimate created and maintained by generations before us. At some point, we opened the windows and felt like something radical would change, but our expectations were not met. Ideologies and worldviews continue to permeate the educational and political systems, families, and ourselves; we can't rid ourselves of them because they stem from within us, and we become them. It's a shared party, and we breathe the air that moments ago came from the lungs of another participant. Amidst the ever-accelerating rhythm of the dance music, we continue to rush forward in the tram, into unknown situations, unable to see them because our fogged windows obstruct our view.

Rene Lazovy belongs to a generation of artists who do not carry socialism even in their earliest memories. However, Its enduring legacy on our surroundings, especially the way of thinking, becomes profoundly apparent to Lazovy, especially after leaving the native Eastern European cultural sphere. Confronted with the different functioning of Western society, he turns his gaze homeward and, with the relic of the past regime, the T3-type tram manufactured in 1987, enters an environment that, in collaboration with musician DIMM a.k.a Dominik Demčák, merges musical and bodily experience, painting, performance, and installation into one dynamic whole.

It evokes the atmosphere of a dance club, where the condensed breath and sweat of dancers dripping back onto them form a self-influencing cycle, a reminder of how long-lasting and tightly interconnected human communities are. Lazovy thus demonstrates the paradoxical situation of a new generation using transportation from a country's past regime it never knew, to move forward into an unknown future.

Jana Babušiaková

___Visual&TheoreticalConception by Rene Lazovy
___ AudioConception by Dominik Demčák
___Curatorial text and support by Jana Babušiaková
__installed at T3 Kultúrny prostriedok